Friday, January 27, 2012

7 can that be?? Happy Birthday Alayna!

I will never forget what a true blessing you are my sweet Alayna girl!  After trying for nearly a year to get pregnant, I was sad that I would never experience pregnancy again.  Before taking the pregnancy test that told me I was pregnant with you I was on my knees praying that if it was His will that it would be a positive pregnancy test...there were countless times when it was negative...but this time it was positive and tears of joy streamed down my face.  I was so thankful!!  To find out later on that it was a girl was just a blessing I can't explain (after having your big brother, I was hoping this time we would have a girl).  The day you were born was a bit crazy.  Dad stayed home from work and we walked the mall for a bit to see if my contractions would continue...they did...they were getting too intense...then we went to the hospital.  I was 4cm dilated...then contractions nearly stopped.  I couldn't go home and you weren't coming out on your own.  After waiting all day to see if I would progress they broke my water and that was just what you needed because you were born VERY quickly after that. :)  My heart welled up with love for you and I couldn't get enough of holding you and kissing you.  You were a super easy baby (for me anyway)...for everyone else (including daddy) you were a lot of work.  You cried and cried and cried and cried and cried...until I came back.  Daddy will always remember that (and will probably remind you of that from time to time).  It's funny to think about now when you absolutely LOVE cuddling up on daddy's lap that there was ever a day when he couldn't make you happy.

You are a sweet, compassionate, helpful, attentive little girl...periodically you have moments when you can't control your emotions and now you are starting to realize it means you need sleep or time alone.  I love you more than words can say--though you continue to try and convince me that you love me more...I know it's not true.  I will be forever thankful to the Lord that He blessed your dad and I with YOU!!

January 27, 2005

January 2006 - 1 year old

January 2007 - 2 years old

January 2008 - 3 years old (with a bit of frosting)

January 2009 - 4 years old

January 2010 - 5 years old

January 2011 - 6 years old


Heather said...

I remember the day you walked into our backyard and told us the exciting news!! I was so happy for you and Dan. Alayna sure is a treasure from the Lord. Enjoy the celebration and Happy Birthday to Alayna!!

Margeaux Marie said...

Those pictures were so fun to look at ... I love your blog. What a great way to catalog the "growing" moments of your family. Happy Birthday Alayna!

Lindsay Y. said...

Wow - Seth looks just like her when she was one! And boy did she do a lot of growing between 3 & 4! Crazy kids - they need to stop growing up so darn fast.

Marilyn said...

How precious. I love seeing those pictures as they grow up. It happens way to fast.