Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Letter "T"

Proverbs 3:5 says...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

After singing, dancing, and verse memorization we did an activity to help us understand trust. We had J and A take turns jumping off of the kid picnic table in the basement. Each time they jumped daddy moved a bit backwards. J was very excited to jump as far as he could. Next daddy asked them to turn around and fall backwards. A got very nervous and refused to go. J had very little trouble at first so daddy took the table and placed it on top of a bed. This was a bit harder for J but he still did it. After he did it he was filled with excitement. A was still nervous. Mommy and daddy coached her to help her understand the parallels between her own understanding in the verse and her fears about falling. After some coaching she was willing to try a short fall with daddy's hands right behind her back. Each time she did it again, she wanted daddy to back up and let her fall farther. She too was filled with excitement after trusting her earthly father. Let's pray that our children will transfer this trust to their Heavenly Father.

As we do these activities to help teach our kids, we are reminded of the Truth's that we talk about each week ourselves. Trust....I choose to Trust....

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