Monday, July 20, 2009

Riga, Latvia...Wednesday

Wednesday we visited a beautiful town called Yurmala. We walked down a street with lots of little shops and stands of people selling things. One thing we noted almost immediately (and we knew this because Christa will often shop here in the states and not there) was that the prices for things were A LOT more expensive there then here. WOW! After Yurmala we went to a beach on the Baltic Sea, relaxed on the beach and walked in the water. After that we found a great place to grill. They have 'portable' grills there...they are SOOO cool! You can grill on them and once you're done you throw them away. It's a tin pan with small legs, coals wrapped in kindling and a tin grate...we took a few of them back home because they were such a simple design, but such a great idea!!! Then of course…NERTS!

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