Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas #2

We enjoyed another Christmas with family this past weekend.  We were so thankful to be able to drive there and back with great weather/great roads.  I don't think there has EVER been a time that we have driven to and from my moms for BOTH Thanksgiving and Christmas without having bad was a wonderful bonus!  The kids had a great time with their cousins, grandma and grandpa as well as their aunts and uncles.  The played inside, outside and all over...making memories and having fun.

They opened stockings on Saturday morning.  Yes, I know it wasn't on Christmas, but our kids have never believed in Santa and so it wouldn't matter if they opened stockings in June, it would still be exciting and it wouldn't matter a bit. :)

Alayna got a 'make your own bracelet' kit, a pink gun (which she's thrilled about), some adorable clothes that she wore yesterday, went through the wash last night and she's wearing again today, her ornament from grandpa (this year she picked the 'Tangled' ornament) and lots of other fun things!

One of my gifts to my mom, she can't thread a needle without my assistance and so I had to get her the needles that you just hook the thread through...yep, she thought it was pretty funny too! :)

Josiah LOVES chess (I have no idea how to play though) and this past summer he saved up his mowing money to buy his aunt's old DS.  He hasn't gotten/bought any of his own games and so he was thrilled to get a chess game for his DS.  He also got some clothes, a bb gun target, a Star Wars ornament and other fun things.

And who could forget the entertainer??  He loves his mini-pillow pet, his lego sets, his Cars ornament, his new clothes that he wanted to wear today (even though he's sick with the flu), and all the other fun things he was given.

The kids had a great time and so did the parents.  Now to keep everyone healthy, on the way home I heard from my brothers family and my sisters family and out of our total of 10 kids...6 had the stomach far only Seth has it from our family and hopefully it stays that way!!

Though the gifts were a blessing and the kids as well as the parents are so thankful for them, we are very thankful that we have great families to spend quality time with during Christmas as well as all throughout the year!!

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