Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas 2011 - in St. Cloud

For those of you that know us or have been reading my blog for more than a year, you know that Christmas is celebrated throughout the month of December.  We have family celebrations nearly every weekend in December.  It's a lot of fun to have quality time with each family and the cousins love having friends (cousins) to play with!  We still have no snow this year and so the kids had a lot of fun playing inside and outside (without having to bundle up).  We also went roller skating which was a lot of fun (I don't have pics of that because me + a camera + roller blades = disaster!)  

 Seth with a horse and rider...of course...still a deep love for horses
  Seth got a new game to play as well
 Josiah with his snow if only there was snow (I'm NOT complaining though!!)
 Alayna with her twin dolls...the boy doll is actually for Seth and his doll 'Chris' has received LOTS of love...for such an energetic, crazy little boy, he sure does have a love for babies and he's been wanting a boy doll, so this was perfect!  Alayna loves having 'Elizabeth' as well.  They enjoy playing house so often that this is a perfect addition to their fun times together!
 Josiah also got a football and gloves which he LOVES
 All the girls being crafty with some of their new gifts
Seth playing Trouble with grandpa...very sweet!

Though the kids (and adults) enjoy giving and receiving lots of fun gifts during this month, we never want to lose sight of the greatest gift we were given and why we celebrate...Jesus Christ came into this world as a precious baby to save those who love Him from their sin!  That's something we are thankful for and celebrate more than just the month of December...that's something to celebrate every day!!

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