Friday, December 16, 2011

Look out Hollywood...

Here he comes!  Josiah had his 4th grade music concert last night.  It was really fun to hear their songs.  Josiah had quite a few lines in the program, and he was a bit nervous, but he did GREAT!
Here are some pictures from the program.

When the concert was finished Josiah came and found us.  He had a red spot on his forehead about the size of a .50 piece.  I asked him what happened and he told us that when it was time to bow at the end, he bowed and the guy in front of him didn't, so he played "whack a head" with that kid.  I seriously could NOT stop laughing...I'm even laughing as I type this.  He was such a good sport about it and was laughing too which made it even funnier!!!  Though the play/concert was really good...the highlight for me was the good laugh after it was complete!  (and of course going out for pizza after)  :)

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