Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family Time....

Tonight we were supposed to talk about Commandment 4 - Remember the Sabbath....what better day to talk about and reflect on what the sabbath means then Sunday. Needless to say, we are pushing our Family Time back a few days so that we can talk about it all day while we're living it.

However, that being said....we did enjoy some family time tonight just relaxing and having a 'pizza picnic' as we call it in our house. We spread out a blanket and eat pizza on the blanket while we hang out and watch a movie together. It's a lot of fun!! I (Michelle) had a migraine earlier today and felt pretty miserable most of the day...I'm much better now, but a relaxed night of cuddling with the kiddos was great 'medicine'.
In case you're wondering, tonight's movie was 'Kung Fu Panda'. :)

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