Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family Time....

Ok...I haven't been really good at posting about Family Time lately. Amidst the holiday's and adjusting schedules our Family Time hasn't been the exact same day and the exact same time each week. However, we have still enjoyed quality time as a family and one of the ways we've done that recently is by reading through this book.

We bought it when we were at a conference in December. After we got home we started reading to the kids each night (it's about 125 pgs. long) and I'm not sure who enjoyed the book more...I LOVED reading it to them and the kids LOVED listening to it. We finished the book right before Christmas and after we finished reading it Alayna asked if we could start it all over again the next night. :)

Here is a synopsis of the book that I found online: "Told as a dream, it relates the story of Christian, who abandons home and family to flee from sin and destruction and travel the straight and narrow to the Celestial City. Along the way he encounters allegorical figures such as Faithful, Evangelist, and Hopeful, as well as Ignorance, the giant Despair, and the monster Apollyon, as he confronts a series of hardships and tests before arriving at his destination."

It's another great way to create spiritual conversations with your kids in an education way. Enjoy!

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