Thursday, January 8, 2009

Final Christmas...number 4

We celebrated our final Christmas last weekend in St. Cloud. We had a great time! Even though we had a great time over break spending lots of time together and spending lots of time with extended family...after 2 weeks of being busy and little to no schedule, we were ready to start our normal routine again. Here are a few pics from our final Christmas. I'm not very good and taking pictures, so to be honest, I personally didn't take husband picked up the slack though and took a few. Enjoy!

Ethan and Josiah...being their usual crazy selves!

After little sleep for a few days...she was getting tired so she found a great place to rest...
with grandpa!

This is Dan's brother and sister in law...we are going to Latvia with them this summer...we are all SUPER excited! Watch out Christa and we come!

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